Flamin' Sharp offer a comprehensive 'On Site' sharpening service to four distinct customer bases.
These are:
Industrial and Commercial
Catering for Electricians, Plumbers, Builders, Sheet Metal Works, Roofers, Fibre Glass Boat Builders, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Installers, Mechanics and Workshops.
Hospitality and Tourism
Catering for Hotels, Clubs, Restaurants, Café's, Deli's, Fish Shops and Take Aways, Hospital Kitchens, T.A.F.E Colleges and High Schools.
Household and Domestic
Catering for Kitchen, Home Workshop, Sewing and Hobbies, Gardening and Outdoors.
Hair Dressing
Catering for Salons and Working from Home Hairdressers and including Sales, Sharpening and Repairs.
How Our n Loyalty Rewards Programme Works
For each $50 spent on sharpening we will mark off a box. When you reach $500 worth of sharpening services you can select a pair of hairdressing scissors for free, valued up to $200 RRP. The box marked off indicates how much discount you are entitled to if you choose to purchase a pair of our hairdressing scissors at that time.
Consider the following: You spend $100 in your first sharpening session and two boxes are marked off, you may then purchase a pair of hairdressing scissors valued at $200 for just $160 (that's 20% off) or you could choose to wait until your next sharpening session.
If you then go on to spend a further $300 on sharpening services (totalling $500), we mark off the rest of the boxes and you can select a free pair of hairdressing scissors from our 'SALON SELECT' Series range for FREE.
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